

Classes guide students through all aspects of drama and are tailored to each age group. Numbers are limited to create a fun and focussed experience.

Class descriptions below.

(Please go to When for info on days, times and locations. Go to Where for the address.

Please go to the Brickworks Drama page on EnrolMy to enrol.)

Each term has a theme, and the theme for Term Two 2024 is Communication.

Through fun games and drama exercises students will learn how to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings with each other to tell stories together and engage with the world around them.

We’ve tailored a term plan to suit each class. Please read more below…

Class descriptions

Primary (5 – 7 yrs) – Imagination Ignition!
45 min

A child-led drama class through improv, designed to be playful, focusing on building basic skills such as imaginative play, storytelling, and movement. The children will discover themes and characters. The work will encourage creative thinking and expression in a fun and relaxed environment.  Everyone will work together, and accept new ideas – all this goes hand-in-hand with dress-ups, music, and silly dancing perfect for young minds to explore their imagination!

Tutor: Mihailo Lađevac

Junior (8 – 10 yrs) – Explore and Create
60 min

Junior improv is all about creating characters and scenarios on the spot, with no rehearsals! It’s a fantastic way for your child to learn to embrace the unexpected and overcome their fear of getting it wrong (because getting it wrong in improv can be so much fun!). Through improv, they’ll build teamwork skills, explore their imagination, gain confidence in public speaking, and become more flexible with their ideas. Plus, it’s a super fun way to spend an hour with friends, with no screens required!

Tutor: Mihailo Lađevac

Intermediate (11 – 13 yrs) – Explore and Devise
90 min
In the intermediate group, we take improv to the next level. With a greater focus on developing advanced improv skills and longer scenes, students will engage in tailored games and exercises that challenge their maturity level, creating more complex and nuanced scenes. It’s an opportunity for them to push their boundaries and develop their improvisation skills in a supportive and engaging environment. Tutor: Natascha Diaz

Teens Drama Ensemble (13/14 – 17 yrs) – Discover and Devise
90 min

Our teens dive into the world of Improvisation with a focus on more complex games and exercises that challenge them to think quickly and creatively. They’ll work on developing their own original characters and sketches while also honing their performance skills through group and individual opportunities. With feedback and guidance from the tutor, teens will explore long-form improv, learning to build and sustain storylines throughout performances. The goal is to push boundaries, build confidence, and develop versatility in their improvisation skills, preparing them for whatever challenges they may face on stage or in life. Tutors: Mihailo Lađevac & Natascha Diaz